Friday, March 25, 2022

The Rolling Stones Monthly Book (1964 - 1966)

In a post I made a couple of years ago, I detailed the publication history of The Beatles Monthly Book, a a magazine put out by Beat Publications Ltd. which had an original run from 1963 to 1969, with a subsequent revival (consisting of reprints and new material) from 1976 to 2003.  In that post, I mentioned that the publisher, Sean O'Mahony, had also released a similarly group-dedicated Rolling Stones Book during the same period in the mid-60s.

The site Rolling Stones Data provided a brief history of the mag:

"Between 1964 and 1966, the Stones issued THE ROLLING STONES BOOK (also known as “The Rolling Stones Monthly Book”), the equivalent of the Beatles’ ‘The Beatles Monthly Book’, as well produced by British publishing company Beat Publications Ltd. The first issue came out on June 10 1964, and continued to be published monthly until November 1966, with a total of 30 numbers. Each one featured approximately thirty pages (size 8 X 6.25 inches) containing updated information about the group, as well as exclusive photos, interviews, song lyrics, etc. The Beatles Monthly Book closed down temporarily in the early ’70s, but it was revived later, first reprinting the originals, but then as a launching pad for UK Record Collector magazine, and finally shutting up in January 2003, while ‘The Rolling Stones Book’ had only the original edition."

As noted above, unlike The Beatles Book, the Rolling Stones-centered magazine was never republished or revived after its initial run, and as such it has been somewhat difficult for fans of the group to find... until now.

A German Stones fan by the name of Christof made a special effort back in 2020 to create top-quality .pdf copies of every issue, and he kindly but briefly made them available for download. By special request, he recently provided me with copies of the entire print run - which I now happily bestow unto you. Here for your enjoyment are all thirty issues (plus a bonus edition) of The Rolling Stones Book, again formatted for viewing on your computer or printing, if you're so inclined.

Thanks once again to Christof for his diligent, dedicated efforts, which have been greatly appreciated by me and I hope by you all as well!

Please use the email link below to contact me, and I will reply with the download link(s) ASAP:

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  1. What a great set of magazines, I have not seen these for 50 years now. Many thanks for sharing

  2. And Jimmy Savile shows up right off the bat! The greatest paedo in UK TV history. They even gave him a knighthood, he was that great a paedo.

    There will always be an England.

    Thanks, H!

  3. Many thanks for your generosity! I hope to return the favor some day soon!

  4. From Quique: "Thank you PPSH for sharing this wonderful magazine collection! I loved it!"

  5. Thank you PPSH for sharing this wonderful magazine collection! I loved it!

  6. The Rolling Stones Monthly Book is quite the treasure, great to see that they're not lost forever but in great shape. Thank you kindly for preserving them, so far I've seen lots of old pictures and contributions from all of the lads. Keep up the good works.

  7. Brilliant....along with The Beatles Magazines a must have.

    Very freaky to see Jim with Brian on the No1 Issue!!


  8. Awesome Sauce, thanks a lot - now I can read and keep mine minty :)

  9. Hi. I would love to get copies of the Rolling Stones Mag. I have some stuff I would be happy to swap and hopefully enlarge your collection. Thanks in advance.

  10. Hello how are you,
    I'm from the blog, I would like to join your blog list, if you agree, get back to me and I'll add my blog list.

  11. Excellent content here and elsewhere in the blog. It's like a time machine. Thank you for providing these!

  12. Thank you very much. Great post. Love those magazines.

  13. Wow ! Been searching after this collection since years... Excellent work, excellent quality. Thank you so much !!!

  14. Zelsea06@gmail.comMay 30, 2023 at 8:22 PM

    Pretty cool, thank you!

  15. I've liked the Stones' music since the late '60s, and it's interesting to see how they dealt with being pigeonholed as the Beatles were. The scans are a bit lo-res, you know, but really nothing important is lost because of that. It does seem to me that the Fabs were having a lot more fun, though.

  16. For somereason I can't sign in to my Blogger account. Never mind - thanks so much for this post - priceless!

  17. Thanks for making it available. I shall enjoy reading them!!

    1. No worries - I hope you check out the Beatles Monthly Book as well!

  18. These are fantastic! Great quality scans and a treasure to explore. Thank you so much for posting these and for sending the link (which I inexplicably let lie in my inbox for months). I even got the Complete Buddy Holly box link as a bonus!

  19. Could you send me the complete buddy Holly link?

    1. You need to use the request link above, so I’ll have an email address to send the files to.

  20. Awesome. Got the Buddy Holly content.
