Sunday, June 13, 2010

Stereolab - Rose, My Rocket-Brain! EP

Here's a three-song EP by Stereolab, made available on a 3" CD at shows during their 2004 Margerine Eclipse tour. I got mine at their show at DC's 9:30 Club that year - great show, by the way. To the best of my knowledge, these songs haven't been released on any subsequent Stereolab compilation. And since the band called it quits a year ago, I don't expect to see this released on anything anytime soon.

All three songs are superb, especially the last, "University Microfilms International". I like the first one too (apparently, there was an error on the CD label, as the names of the first two songs, "Rose, My Rocket-Brain! (Rose, le cerveau électronique de ma fusée!)" and "Banana Monster ne répond plus" were transposed in error - "Rose" is first). Listen closely to the lyrics of "Rose" - I love how Stereolab inserts pointed political commentary into their songs!

Here ya go - enjoy:

Please use the email link below to contact me, and I will reply with the download link(s) ASAP:

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  1. Thank you! Just downloaded it, and it´s good! :)

  2. Many thanks for the add. More Stereolab, oh yeah!

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! Your blog is amazing. So much great music I can't find anywhere else. I'm gonna bing on some Stereolab music for the rest of the day! Thank you again!

    1. We aim to be occasionally amazing here! Enjoy!

  4. Many many thanks for this gem!

  5. Thanks sooooooo much for sending the download of this & the Rose, My Rocket-Brain EP! Been wanting to hear both of these & will certainly air some of these on upcoming Part Time Punks radio shows on KXLU 88.9FM in LA!

    1. No worries - enjoy! And if you can fit it into your show, an on-air plug for the PPSHH blog site is ALWAYS welcome! :D
