Friday, August 18, 2017

Stereolab - Eaten Horizons Or The Electrocution Of Rock

(Yup - back-to-back Stereolab posts! I must be slipping!)

I've previously posted a couple of Stereolab-related write-ups to this blog in the (recent) past - love this band! If you enjoy them as much as I do, then you'll definitely be into this post: an impossibly hard-to-find collection of heretofore unreleased band demos and outtakes from throughout their long career.

This disc was released in Germany in 2007 by En/Of, a sublabel of Bottrop-Boy Records. Bottrop-Boy (apparently named after a minor transit station on a German passenger train line) appears to specialize in releases by obscure avant-garde music artists dabbling in experimental electronic sounds and free-form modern jazz. However, its sublabel, En/Of, ratchets up this obscurity/exclusivity factor to the nth degree. All of En/Of's releases (mostly by bands that even I've never heard of) are on heavyweight vinyl only and produced in minuscule amounts, to a maximum of no more than 100 copies each. Each of their releases is packaged with a separate signed and numbered limited-edition artwork (painting, etching, photograph, etc.) specially created for the album by a renowned artist.

Needless to say, the combination of limited availability and art-snob appeal leads to this sublabel's discs going for big bucks, way more than the average music fan is willing to shell out - even if they'd actually heard of the fucking band... This makes En/Of essentially an exclusive boutique label, the musical equivalent of Versace or Jimmy Choo (sorry - those are the only chi-chi designers I can think of at the moment; hey, I'm a guy - I don't spend a lot of time contemplating high fashion!). To me, all of this artsy-fartsy foofarol seems a little unnecessary, recherche and precious, and does little but cater to bloodless music aesthetes with money to apparently burn . . . but heck, that's just my opinion.

As I mentioned above, this disc contains never-before released sound ideas and rough proto-demo versions of Stereolab tunes, some of which eventually appeared on various 'Groop' albums, including Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements, Mars Audiac Quintet, Emperor Tomato Ketchup and Dots & Loops. Other songs provided here have, to the best of my knowledge, never before seen the light of day in any version on any official or unofficial band release.

Here's the lineup:
1. Crest
2. John Cage Bubblegum
3. Mountain Instrumental
4. Reich Song
5. Cybele’s Reverie Pt. 1
6. Cybele’s Reverie Pt. 2
7. French Disko
8. Happy Pop Song
9. Jenny Ondioline
10. Lucia Pamela (ICC)
11. Drone Instrumental (with Nurse With Wound)
12. Plastic Pulse One
13. Plastic Pulse Two
14. Plastic Pulse Three
15. Plastic Pulse Four
16. Sad Chicago Organ
17. Brigitte Pt. 1
18. Brigitte Pt. 2
19. Infinity Girl Pt. 1
20. Infinity Girl Pt. 2
21. Cobra Tune
22. Heavy Munich
23. ZigZag Song
24. Monday Song
Here you are - Stereolab's uber-rare Eaten Horizons Or The Electrocution Of Rock, released by En/Of Records on September 30th, 2007 in a run of 100 vinyl copies (each of which included a high-quality Mathias Poledna print, signed by the artist (yeah, I don't know who the hell he is either . . . whatever; I'm just into this for the music)). Took me forever to find a copy of this . . . thus I bestow it unto you all as well.

Enjoy, and as always, let me know what you think.

Please use the email link below to contact me, and I will reply with the download link(s) ASAP:

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  1. my friend, thank you so much for your generosity! my wife, who was listening as well to my new music, thanks you too.

  2. Thank you, as always - appreciate the interesting shares!

  3. Thanks, will look forward to this...Stereolab is laden with melody and harmony. They are sorely missed.

  4. Hello there! I just read that the World Of Pooh album will be reissued this year, so I popped into this Heckhole to thank you again for sharing it.

    1. Really? They've been yipyapping about doing so for over 20 years now - It'll be nice to see if they follow through. Thanks for the info!

  5. Never thought I would get to hear this rarity that can fetch several hundred pounds on the collectors market.
    Many thanks.

    1. Isn't it stupid, what they're asking for this thing, containing old Stereolab rags and bones? I mean, even demo Groop music is better than 95% of other stuff out there... but the prices for this thing are just ridiculous!

  6. As a long time Stereolab fan, you can imagine my excitement when discovering this album. Thanks for your generosity. -Paul

  7. As a long time Stereolab fan, you can imagine my excitement when discovering this album. Thanks for your kindness and generosity. -Paul

  8. thank you for the links and sharing, it was good a encode, but had it confused with another band

  9. Thanks so much for this and the other Stereolab links you sent me. Looking forward to listening to them all this weekend. Emperor Tomato Ketchup was probably my entry point for Stereolab...certainly the point where I really began to take notice...leading to many other treasures! Thanks again, will be dropping by again soon :D

  10. Thank you for these links! I personally love the first tracks of Stereolab of the "Switched era" - Superlectric for instance.

  11. Thank you for sharing and your fast response for DL link! I was hoping this was like Emperor Tomato Ketchup, it's not.

  12. Thank you Mr Hellhole for providing this obscurity. I also am a Stereolab fanatic but I had given up trying to find this a while ago. Now here it is!
    Thanks again!

  13. thanks for bestowing a gift upon a kid, Mr. Hellhole. the music is gorgeous, and its a great soundtrack to my present days of adolescence. its perfect music for a perfect day, and happy pop song will be stuck in my head until i lose sight of the inner child in me. which will never happen. much love Mr. Hellhole!

  14. Thank you so much for sharing this. Listening now and it's wonderful. Didn't think I'd get to hear it.

  15. Thanks for the share, haven't heard any "new" Stereolab material for a long time. So looking forward to it!

  16. Thank you. In their day I was always 'interested' in Stereolab (enough to buy all their albums, at least) but didn't really play them all that much. Catching up now though and enjoying the experience.

  17. Fantastic! Thank you for all of your great work on our behalf.

  18. Thank you for sharing this! You have truly made my Monday morning tolerable.

  19. I really like the demo recordings of the songs that will appear on their later albums. It's kinda like unplugged album. Thanks for the file and I really appreciate it.

  20. Whoever sent me a request for a link to this album via "", please resend using a valid email address; this one bounced back when I tried to use it. Thanks.

  21. Thanks so much for making this available! Also the very quick communication. I'll definitely be checking out the blog more.

  22. Thank you for sharing this, I really appreciate it.
    I'd been hoping to hear this for some time, and now... Thanks!

  23. Seems to always get taken down from the tube. Sharing is caring... thanks

    1. Yeah - this is/was STUPID hard to find… wanted to make it easy for fellow Stereolab fans!

  24. Re. Nirvana - Into The Black: exactly as described. Friendly service with a smile! Thanks for this collection, and for this blog. You are providing a true public service, and it is greatly appreciated.

  25. An amazing batch of tunes! Thank you so much! Been grooving on the groop with the recent reunion tour and this hit the spot.

    1. Yeah - I went to their reunion show myself up in Boston a few weeks ago… just like old times (except for no Mary… :( )!

  26. What a treat to be able to listen to this in my dotage. No way the youtube gods will be able to take it from me now! Thank you, and thank your pee pee soacked heckhole.

  27. Thanks so much P.P. for sharing these rare tracks! Stereolab's recent tour and reissues have made me want to dig into their nooks and crannies to find some fresh gems!

  28. I am thanking you verrrrrry much!

  29. Thanks very much for this. Hope you enjoy the flacs I sent.

  30. Thank you so much. I am a huge Stereolab fan and I didn't even know that this existed. Great blog.

  31. This record really gives you a clear view of the rhythms and melodies that *make* Stereolab the force that it is. Thank you so much.

  32. Glad you’re happy, my friend! Enjoy!

  33. Thanks so much for sharing! It's always a treat to encounter someone with enthusiasm for spreading the gospel of great music. Fun blog that I've bookmarked now!

  34. Note for the curious:
    Several of these songs have different titles from their finished versions:

    Reich Song = Tomorrow Is Already Here
    Happy Pop Song = possibly Munich Madness
    Lucia Pamela = International Colouring Contest
    NWW Drone = Animal or Vegetable
    Sad Chicago Organ = The Emergency Kisses
    Cobra Tune = Hillbilly Motobike
    Heavy Munich = Escape Pod
    Zig Zag Song = B.U.A. (which was only released last year)
    Monday Song = Avant-Garde M.O.R.

  35. The part1/part2 demos on here are interesting. Some of them are just the more widely available demos from later reissues/comps, but split into two (ex: Bridgitte). But in some cases, the part 1 demo here (ex: Cybelle's Reverie) is the same as the widely available demo. So Cybelle's Reverie, part 2 is AFAIK otherwise unreleased.

    Anyway, thanks for posting!

  36. Hello ! Is the download link for this still available ?

  37. Thank you for the download link ! I am a bit late in discovering the joys of Stereolab, but I am slowly catching up with listening to their albums etc and this album of demos has added to my enjoyment of them. Maybe one day this will get a wider release ?

  38. Thank you so much for the link. Have looked for this for a very long time

    1. As did I, way back when! Glad I could hook you up with a copy!

  39. Hi! Thank you so much for sharing this music. I tried to send an email so you can share it with me, but i couldn't. I'll leave here my email, hoping you can see it, and share this album. Thank you again!

  40. Fascinating to hear embryonic fragments of future Stereolab classic tunes. Many thanks for making this hard to find collection available.
    Cheers Andrew

  41. This long time Stereolab fanatic never thought I'd see this one ever posted about, let alone seeing a rip available. Muchos gracias!

  42. Thank you so much for sending me this, looking forward to digging into it later.
