Here it is - the consensus greatest live album ever released, James Brown's Live At The Apollo, recorded in 1962, originally released by King Records and reissued in an expanded edition (provided here) by Polydor Records in 2004. After record company executives rejected capturing on vinyl his dynamic stage act for financial reasons (they didn't think it would sell), James Brown paid for the recording out of his own pocket. The results speak for themselves - this is Soul Brother #1 at his height, in front of an ecstatic, appreciative audience.
I can't say enough about how great this record is. So I won't speak another word, other than to say that if you DON'T own this record, there's something wrong with you - yeah, it's THAT important a release.
Please use the email link below to contact me, and I will reply with the download link(s) ASAP:
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From Pablo Valverde: "Thanks a lot Mr. P.P., love this album and had been looking forward to have it again. Your fast reply to my request really left me with the wish of coming back. Your blog rocks :)"